I must deliver this message now quickly and well and then make all haste to return in time for the assault on the posts . 我现在得好好地赶快把信送到,然后十万火急地回去赶上袭击哨所。
I can ' t see . - your eyesight will return in time 我看不见-你的视力会恢复的
If i don ' t return in time , do yourself a favor 如果我不能及时赶回来你自己了断吧
- i can ' t see . - your eyesight will return in time -我看不见-你的视力会恢复的
You must file tax return in time 你必须准时提交报税表
A significant proportion of the objections received each year arise from estimated assessments issued to taxpayers who fail to lodge returns in time 大部分的反对个案,是源于纳税人未有依时递交报税表,促使本局须作出估计评税而引致的。
A significant proportion of the objections received each year arises from estimated assessments issued to taxpayers who fail to lodge returns in time 大部分的反对个案,是由于纳税人未有依时递交报税表,促使本局须作出估计评税而引致的。
A significant proportion of the objections received each year arises from estimated assessments issued to taxpayers who have failed to lodge returns in time 大部份的反对个案,是源于纳税人未有依时提交报税表,促使本局须作出估计评税而引致的。
A significant proportion of the objections received each year is a result of estimated assessments issued to taxpayers who fail to lodge returns in time 本局每年所接获的反对个案,大部分是由于纳税人未有依时递交报税表,使本局须作出估计评税而引致的。
A significant proportion of the objections received each year arise from estimated assessments issued to taxpayers who have failed to lodge their tax returns in time 大部分的反对个案,是由于纳税人不依时递交报税表,本局不得不以估计方式评税,因而引致的。